Thursday, May 14, 2009


Hi all...

Again after i created my blog i got busy with my daily routine,,,and was thinking what should be my first post,and my daughter did something that i feel like posting it here!
I was amazed at how much kids observe you,few days back we were getting ready to go out for weekend,we were ready to leave n i was just making sure that we have taken all the things for gehhna[my daughter] in her diaper bag,n our picnic bag,etc .And then i saw her running to the bedroom n getting my antacid and putting it in the bag quietly while we were busy with shutting the windows..i was having bad trouble of acidity that time and was taking it twice a day during that week,so i was in tears to see her doing this for me....

I just hugged her started crying at her gesture of making me feel that "Mom even your things are important for the picnic"...i thanked god for giving me this pleasure of being mother and being loved so selflessly ......what more i could have asked for at that time.

And once again my faith got more stronger that GOD IS GREAT.

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